Feeling confident in a bathing suit isn’t really about losing that extra weight or having a supermodel body. Confidence comes from wearing clothes that fit you, and feeling good about who you are. The only thing that's necessary to feel confident in your bikini is choosing the right swimsuit for you, and developing self-confidence. I recently decided to stop dying my hair jet black and rock my natural honey brown by adding a few braids in. I love this 2 piece bathing suits because it matches my hair lol! So while you might not be jetting off to a tropical island any time soon, it can still be nice to look at some pretty bathing suits and imagine you were. Maybe you're lucky and happen to have a backyard pool or able to safely practice social distancing at a beach. Or, perhaps, you have plans to take part in the bikini-tops-as-shirts trend. Either way, there are a ton of swimwear brands to keep on your radar. It’s okay to feel uncomfortable at first wearing a 2 piece and that’s completely normal. Happy Summer!
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